可可豆/ Cacao Used:秘魯Ucayali/ Peru Ucayali
風味/ Flavour:採用來自台灣南投杉林「十二生肖彎」之中羊彎的烏龍茶。當地海拔高、向陽坡面積大而陽光充足,溫差大,能夠做出香氣清幽,餘韻濃郁而帶有回甘的烏龍茶葉。將茶葉烘焙後連同來自秘魯Ucayali的可可豆一同研磨,做出70%黑朱古力,陣陣茶香配合果味同點點香料風味,茶葉碎粒亦帶來特別口感,令人欲罷不能。/Using Oolong tea from the the Sheep Bend in Sun-Link-Sea, Nantou, Taiwan. The high elevation, sunny slopes, ample sunlight, and significant temperature differences in the area contribute to the production of Oolong tea leaves with a delicate aroma, rich lingering aftertaste, and a hint of sweetness. After roasting the tea leaves, they are ground together with cocoa beans from Ucayali, Peru, to create a 70% dark chocolate. The resulting chocolate exudes a subtle tea fragrance, complemented by fruity and slightly spicy notes from the cocoa beans. The presence of tea leaf particles also adds a unique texture, making this dark chocolate irresistible.
成分/ Ingredients:可可豆、原蔗糖、可可油、烏龍茶葉/ Cacao beans, raw cane sugar, cacao butter, oolong tea leaves
淨重/ Net Weight:45克/g
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