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Venezuela Porcelana 70% Dark Chocolate

Venezuela Procelana 70%  Dark Chocolate


得獎作品巡禮 - Porcelana 70% Dark Chocolate。


Porcelana,又名白瓷,系世上其中一種最稀有既原生可可品種Criollo,採購上比其他任何可可豆都更為困難。我地既Porcelana來自委內瑞拉既Maracaibo Lake,特色系產量低,對溫度極之敏感,種植比一般品種難;而味道亦較複雜,具有杏仁、榛子等果仁風味,配以青檸、西梅等果味。


Porcelana 70%朱古力bar已經停售一段時間,新批次系調整左烘焙溫度同研磨時間製作而成,更於2021-22年度International Chocolate Awards Asia-Pacific 世界朱古力大賽亞太區賽奪得銅獎。


Made of famous and rarely seen cacao - Porcelana from Maracabo Lake region of Venezuela.  We sourced the beans from traceable channels.  We use am extremely light roast to preserve fruity flavours of the beans and avoid losing the delicate flavours in it by limiting the grinding time. Apart from the fruits, this bar brings about a nutty (mostly almonds) aftertaste. 


Tasting Notes:

-Red fruits, amonds


International Chocolate Awards Asia-Pacific 2021-22 Bronze Awards

Venezuela Porcelana 70% Dark Chocolate

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