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Brazil Bahia 72% Dark Chocolate - 45g

可可豆/ Cacao Used:巴西Bahia/Brazil Bahia


風味/ Flavour:可可來自來自巴西東部巴伊亞州既Fazenda Camboa Estate ,屬於家族擁有有機可可種植場,位處大西洋沿岸森林(熱帶/亞熱帶雨林)。該種植場種植既可可屬於Trinitario品種,採用傳統木箱發酵以及天然風乾,帶有渾然天成既可可同朱古力香氣,並且有乾果、類近紫羅蘭及茉莉花香同棗類果實既甜美。/Fazenda Camboa Estate is a family farm in the Mata-Atlantica rainforest and one of the first cacao farms in Brazil with organic certification. The tropics can be recognized in the pleasant and strong profile, with balanced acidity, sweetness and presence of red fruits.


成分/ Ingredients:可可豆、原蔗糖、可可油/ Cacao beans, raw cane sugar, cacao butter


淨重/ Net Weight:45克/g

Brazil Bahia 72% Dark Chocolate - 45g

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